My grandparents, circa1918 - I look like my grandmother Rachel, on the left. Hedi and Iosi,  my cousins killed in Auschwitz 1945. My father and his twin brother Moisi in the Romanian army, circa 1935 Parents met in 1945 Parents wedding wedding Nov 1945 Mom bride Mom and best friend Ilon with the 2 babies, 1947 Mom-Rrenee-1947 Renee 6 months Renee 9 monthss Renee 1 year Dad Willy Renee 2 years rp-baby-2years With mom's cousin Raselica in Sighet Schneider family house in Borsa Moisi, Greti, Zisi, Erwin in Borsa, circa 1953 Zisi, Erwin, Renee in Borsa, circa 1954 Maria, Zisi, Erwin, Renee, circa 1954 renee-1954 rp-berri-drown1953 Renee, Beri circa 1952 Renee, Beri circa 1952 La borcut - at the Springs 1955 rp-7years-old Mamaia mamaia-1957 Shari - 6 months Mom, Shari, Renee 1957 Shari 1958 Viseu - 1960 Vienna -1962
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